by Biser Perchinkov

Hosting troubles

I wish hosting providers sold services, which were offered in the adverts. The host I currently use, say they provide fast and good service, but today I was left in a WTF?! condition after a 10 minute wait to open the blog. I used to surf with such a speed in the dial-up age, almost 6-7 years ago. Could a hosting provider use a dial-up connection for the servers ?

Wow, even now, while writing this post I stumble upon some serious errors, caused by the slowness of the service. I wonder how long will this last and when will I move to another hosting provider…

Apart of the hosting problems, lately I’ve been very busy coding my latest projects, which for now will remain secret 😉 . One of them is almost ready, but still testing for bugs. The other should be ready in a few days and then a week or two more to test it and it will open for the public. I will write, once it is up and running.

I can’t think of anything else to tell you for now. “Me, Over!”

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