by Biser Perchinkov

Theodosii Spassov

The Unique Theodosii Spassov – Side by Side with Maestro Morricone

Ennio MorriconeOn 10th December we’ll have the chance and pleasure to enjoy the talent of not only one genius of our time. The unique Theodosii Spassov will perform alongside Maestro Morricone, the world-renowned artists from his team and Classic FM Orchestra and Choir.

They say Theodosii is the “kaval player of the world”, and we’re more than proud to admit it.  Music critics have also recognized his heavenly talent. He has been awarded numerous international prizes like the Paris International Art Academy award in 1996, “Musician of the year” in 1997 and 2002, and many others, for his unique style – a combination of folklore and jazz.

According to Theodosii, the connection between cinema and music is an unstoppable, perfect love. He believes love is the only feeling that makes us alive. Spassov is not only an exceptional Continue reading