by Biser Perchinkov

A new begining

There it comes – the new begining, which this blog needed for very long time now. Sure enough it has been a while since I last updated this page and this was due to my lack of interest in the subject named ‘blogging’. Now I have gained some interest, or may be I want to explore a new type of communication with the people around the world.

As communication is a two-way process, I want to make the first step and introduce myself to those who don’t know me. I am Biser Perchinkov, 18 years old programmer from the small, Eastern Europe country of Bulgaria. Now you may think if I am Bulgarian, why don’t I write in Bulgarian language as well? The answer is simple – I want to practice my english and I think this is a good way to do that. This will be a dual-language site, of course 🙂 I cannot keep people from my country who don’t speak/read english away from the site, can I? 🙂

About the topics you would see me writing about are mainly related to computing, programming and stuff I personally like, dislike, etc. Don’t expect me to strictly bind myself to programming topics, or to personal stuff. There will be a bit of everything here. If you are interested in given topic, you can browse the categories you like from the sidebar.

I think that’s enough for now. If you want to say something, or share any cool ideas, write me (you will find contact information in the About page).

Biser Perchinkov

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