The Unique Theodosii Spassov – Side by Side with Maestro Morricone
On 10th December we’ll have the chance and pleasure to enjoy the talent of not only one genius of our time. The unique Theodosii Spassov will perform alongside Maestro Morricone, the world-renowned artists from his team and Classic FM Orchestra and Choir.
They say Theodosii is the “kaval player of the world”, and we’re more than proud to admit it. Music critics have also recognized his heavenly talent. He has been awarded numerous international prizes like the Paris International Art Academy award in 1996, “Musician of the year” in 1997 and 2002, and many others, for his unique style – a combination of folklore and jazz.
According to Theodosii, the connection between cinema and music is an unstoppable, perfect love. He believes love is the only feeling that makes us alive. Spassov is not only an exceptional musician, but also a legendary person. It’s a great honour and pleasure for us to have him as a part of the performance in “Arena Armeec” and we wish him many years in love with his cosmic music.
Theodosii Spassov states that in his opinion, Maestro Morricone is a music genius of our time, making the world richer and more sensual through the power of his creations. Spassov also believes Morricone is an original and unparalleled personality with which humanity must be proud and happy his Godly talent lives among us. Unmatched and unique in the history of movie music, Ennio Morricone is recognized and appreciated by audiences of various age all over the world.
Ennio Morricone started working in post-war times – a period in history not favourable of creative development and improvisations. Like most young men at the time, the music student was truly eager to prove his ideas that went beyond reconciliation, pragmatism, wits and naivety.
He grew up in a typical working class environment, where his father, a musician, provided the only income for the family for many years and where life (survival) and work were closely related.
These conditions mark the manner of work of the living legend with a sense of dignity and virtue. Besides his indisputable talent, a key factor in the development of young Morricone was the Italian family tradition which suggests that the son inherits his father’s career. Ennio Morricone enrolled in the Conservatory “Santa Cecilia”, where he studied trumpet. At the age of 14 he was already playing in nightclubs known as “capretto” (the kid) and could replace his ailing father at home as a breadwinner. Not long after that his teachers noticed his sense of music and guided him towards studying composition. Shortly after graduating from “Santa Cecilia” the future composer began working with the biggest pop band of RAI – Italian public television. This proved to be the first crucial period of his work, since some of the most successful radio and television programs in post-war Italy were made at the time.
Morricone has become one of the leading “architects” of the Italian recording industry. He was the first to demonstrate completely original elements of the modern musical language. Young Morricone was firm in his decision to create original music during the 60s of the last century and actively experimented and seeked a fusion between different music styles and classical music. He participated in the creation of independent movie production, without commercial claims, where he felt the freedom to experiment, an approach that lead him to unimaginable excellence in future. This period is marked by the specific innovations of Morricone and his endless energy that resulted in the extraordinary success of the Maestro with his characteristic “absolute music”.
With the benefit of hindsight, we are now definite that his decision to methodically and flawlessly follow his way was the right one. The result was more than impressive, dozens of international awards including 5 nominations for “Oscar”, an Honorary “Oscar” awarded by the Film Academy, “Grammy” award, “Golden Lion” awards and many others.
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