by Biser Perchinkov

Place de la Sorbonne 3

Place de la SorbonneNumber 3 of Place de la Sorbonne, revue international annual of poetry from the University of Paris-Sorbonne, appears at the beginning of this month of April 2013.
This review is not a current or a particular aesthetic. It is designed to discover and learn more about, to the widest possible audience, current poetry, French-language or not, in its richness and diversity.
With this third issue, Place de la Sorbonne reached its cruising speed. The magazine has found its place in the contemporary poetic field, grace first no doubt to the quality and diversity of the poets published thereon, but also to what distinguishes it from most other journals of poetry, this emphasis made the presentation, to analysis and commentary that is intended to provide the reader guides, lighting, various tools to become familiar with current poetry and always goes forward in its discovery.
This issue opens with a dense and text of “The guest”, Jean-Pierre Siméon, Director of the spring of poets, which said how and why, despite conventional wisdom, poetry is today more necessary and more effective than ever. An interview with Dominique Fourcade, one of the most innovative writers of today, on his work, but on some of the issues of poetry and the art of today, also casts an essential lighting.
Among the poets of French language published in this issue, some are already well-known: James Sacré, Christian Prigent, Dominique Grandmont. Others are engaged in a work of high quality, such as Gérard Cartier, Pierre Drogi or Alexis Pelletier. Finally, the journal brings together texts by many younger poets, including reading will enable a substantial understanding of the vitality of contemporary poetic writing.
In the topic “Languages of the world”, it will read texts (in bilingual version) from a Bulgarian, Keva Apostolova, a Canadian, Karen Mac Cormack, an American, Rosanna Warren and a Hungarian, István Kemény.
Catherine Fromilhague comments, under the heading “Opposite”, poems by Bernard Vargaftig, a great poet recently disappeared.
And in «Confrontations», Michel Deguy offers original, brilliant and penetrating, reflection on the question of the meaning in poetry today.
“Counterpoints” to explore the work of a Chilean artist, Manuel Torres.
The volume closes with many accounts of recent books of poetry.

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